Monday, April 14, 2014

Chapter 11 - Integrating Problem-Solving and Educational Software

What are the benefits of using problem-solving or educational software?

There are several benefits of problem-solving software listen on page 284 in the textbook. These include increased student attention and motivation, but also the increase in skills involving thinking, planning, learning, and technical skills. These all help students in many aspects of their education as well as work-place preparedness. 
Educational software also has many benefits. Students are being asked to utilize more and more technology in their schooling and in their careers. The more familiar students are with technology from a young age, the more career skills they will be equipped with. Along with this, drill-and-practice software gives students the opportunity to practice basic skills that provide immediate feedback for them to figure out how they are doing. 

How do I choose the correct software?

Teachers can use software reviews to figure out if it is something that will work for their lesson or they can check with other educators to see if someone else has used that product before for a similar lesson. Making sure that the software does what you are expecting it to do before implementing it in a lesson is very important and can prevent disastrous situations from occurring. 

When I integrate problem-solving or educational software into a lesson, what changes will be needed?

There are several changes to an NTeQ lesson plan listed on page 292 in the textbook. There are six of the components that will need changes; computer function, research and analysis, results presentation, activities during computer use, activities before computer use, activities after computer use. Each of these areas should be assessed when using problem-solving or educational software to determine how the software will fit in to the lesson plan.

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